Wife, Friend, Writer, Lover of Words.

Kentmere 400 in the Praktica MTL5 with a Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar f/2.2 50mm lens. Developed in HC110, Dil H for 12 minutes. I don't really like this lens as much as I would like. I couldn't figure out why until I developed this roll in the same tank as a roll of the same film that I ran through a Pentax K1000 SE with Asahi glass. It is the contrast. The 'Lesser Tessar,' having been produced in East Germany under Soviet control is just not as contrasty as I like. What I've manage here is done mostly in post. Next time I shoot with this camera I will try help this glass with a filter. I will say that I am a big fan of the shutter release on the front of the Praktica.

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