My favorite place in Stuttgart - the city library (a.k.a. Stadtbibliothek)

The city library of Stuttgart is a very impressive building indeed (one of my first shots with the LC-A 120 showed its front), but when I first went inside, I was overwhelmed by its interesting all in white architecture. I tried to transport the great atmosphere, so I took a Portra 400 and set the ISO to 200, but in reality its even brighter. :D
Just take a look at the pictures, decide to go on vacations in Stuttgart and visit this masterpiece. And if you are here, let me know! ;)

6 Komen

  1. robertofiuza
    robertofiuza ·


  2. faaabii
    faaabii ·

    Thank you @robertofiuza! :)
    Und @poepel, auf jeden Fall, ich will unbedingt noch mit nem Purple da rein... und mit der Horizon! :D

  3. schugger
    schugger ·

    Ja, da hat @roxyvonschlotterstein recht, geiles bild!

  4. faaabii
    faaabii ·

    Hä? @schugger Wie, was, wo? Warum krieg ich grad Likes auf das Bild und was hat @roxyvonschlotterstein damit zu tun? Sehe ich irgendwas nicht?

  5. faaabii
    faaabii ·

    Ahhhh... @schugger und @roxyvonschlotterstein, ich habs verstanden und in der Shoutbox gefunden! Dankeee! :)

  6. trash-gordon-from-outer-space
    trash-gordon-from-outer-space ·

    Ja, super Bild!

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