I absolutely love this film for winter, it makes the dullest grey scenes look so dramatic!

55mm lens. Lovely branches :)

In the Selected section on Feb 4th- thanks loads!

branches red redscale tree trees
Lomography Diana F+ (Tersedia di toko kami)
Lomography Redscale 100 35mm
United Kingdom
Red January

11 Komen

  1. blikka
    blikka ·

    I like your results with the Diana! I shot two rolls with mine but they turned out so dark red.... i was disappointed. Recently I used a 35mm redscale film and can't wait to see the results. ^_^

  2. schlogoat
    schlogoat ·

    @blikka Thank you :) I like the darkest red ones the best! Were you scanning them yourself? I have a 35mm redscale film to use and I think the results will be utterly different to with the Diana. I don't think I'll adjust what the light meter reckons as I do like the extreme redness.

  3. blikka
    blikka ·

    hehe then in your case it's better to shoot it on the Diana! :) With my 35mm cameras I can freely choose the ASA so I can get yellowish and greenish colors... But I agree, dark red has its own charm ;) (I just didn-t like that the whole film was in the same tone).
    Ps: I don't have a scanner (maybe in the future)... I send the negatives to the lab.

  4. schlogoat
    schlogoat ·

    @blikka With my first redscale, I was disappointed thatthere was so much darknes,, but now I don't liek it if they are too pale! I think if I didn't scan them myself the results would be completely different. I don't adjust colours or anything but being able to adjustthe levels on each frame individually makes all the difference I think. I looked at yur redscales though, there were some good ones!

  5. blikka
    blikka ·

    thanks! well, there is a previous album that wasn't good at all. Actually I only uploaded like 4 pics out of 12. But as you say, it changes a lot if you scan your own negatives. I was really thinking about buying a scanner. It's an investment, but I think I would be saving money in the end... If you know any brand/model to recommend... ;)

  6. schlogoat
    schlogoat ·

    I have a very old Epson but am planning to upgrade as soon as I can. The one I have my eye on are the v500 or v600. I like the Epson software but probably just because I'm used to it! I think its a lot of fun scanning your own :)

  7. schlogoat
  8. blikka
    blikka ·

    @schlogoat thanks, I've also read about the Epson v500. Have to sleep on it though...

  9. cycliste
    cycliste ·


  10. schlogoat
    schlogoat ·

    Thanks so much! @catfordst

  11. mighty_pig
    mighty_pig ·


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