tourist brochure *for horses

It's Horst the horse again doing what he can do best:
Being the furriest testimonial ever for French Polynesia!

3 Komen

  1. blueskyandhardrock
    blueskyandhardrock ·

    willie i love this album! it's so good. the colors, the hue, the framing, the subjects. <3 <3 <3

  2. wil6ka
    wil6ka ·

    @blueskyandhardrock thank you michelle :) yeah - it's always like this - one film - one moment and everything else just fits - and sometimes it's a piece of work. I was also very happy, when I saw the results.

  3. blueskyandhardrock
    blueskyandhardrock ·

    @wil6ka oh i love the e100S. here's the album I shot with it before…

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