Lomography Awards: Adrenaline Junkies: Take A Leap
289 Kiriman · Selesai ·
Be swift and whip that camera fast. We want to see your feet off the ground and high above the air!
Trampolines, pogo sticks or even the floor are the weapons of choice in this rumble. Be as creative and as wacky as you can get with each airborne shot. Get your timing in sync and set your shutter speeds fast enough to capture those energetic moments.
Each participant can submit up to 10 photographs. This competition, which serves as the qualifying round for the Adrenaline Junkies category, is open to all.
Photo by harrietgreen
Para Pemenang
Selamat kepada : johku, jeanne_d_arctique, juniardigiugno, lostlittlekid, gocchin, -dakota-, franckgonnaud, amelia37blue, rawpix, jmcedo & alenahudkova.
289 Kiriman