Click click click

My first Debonair roll, unadjusted. These plastic lenses really tend to fall off fast when it comes to light. This camera is said to have a 1/100th Sunny or 1/50th Cloudy shutter and a fixed f/8 aperture. So, these shots should all have been overexposed and the dark should be visible. I can adjust them in LightRoom to get details out, but I think I'll try for a 200 ISO film next time. The camera itself is light, easy to use and feels much like what people have said, that it is a Holga and Diana hybrid. Either way, when it's exposed right, it takes cool shots.

1 Komen

  1. alienmeatsack
    alienmeatsack ·

    This shot should be around a stop over exposed. Notice it's vignetting is very light. Most of the other shots were underexposed and vignetted highly. I am trying to find the right speed to use to get closer to this full exposure but with the other shots vignetting.

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