walking on ice and and trying to get an angle i usually can´t get

i´m so so relieved that i can take great shots with this cam!!! anyway i still don´t know the secret of it. i will now switch the lens and try to do the same things i did with this roll: pull the bellows really hard to the end, use a tripod. i guess all of you that already took great and sharp shots didn´t always use a tripod but amazingly i took 5/6 with a tripod and the only one without is blurry. btw: @LSI next time you produce a new cam pls leave me a personal message so i can tell you upfront things you have to consider concerning tripod socket thread, release, viewer,… - it´s my 2nd roll and i used a tripod for 5 shots and already a screw went through the hole in the aluminium and therefore it´s already warped :(((

5 Komen

  1. grazie
    grazie ·


  2. adash
    adash ·


  3. gepo1303
    gepo1303 ·

    Wer wagt (schönen Film in klapprige Kamera gelegt), der gewinnt :-)

  4. dreamseller
    dreamseller ·

    tolles album! trotz viel unbrauchbarem liefert die belair zwischendurch immer wieder sensationelle fotos! und bei diesem album hier sind alle super gelungen! ich jedenfalls mag die kamera mittlerweile trotz allem. und du scheinst dich ja auch langsam mit ihr zu verstehen ;)! das mit dem stativ probiere ich bei gelegenheit auch aus!

  5. dida
    dida ·

    wow!!! love it!

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