i guess i am addicted to highway nightshots

one of my favourite nightshots i took so far. i really like this one.
the building is a power station.

17 Komen

  1. superlighter
    superlighter ·

    fantastic addiction! :-)

  2. onkel-m
    onkel-m ·

    Very nice looks so unreal !!!

  3. bloomchen
    bloomchen ·

    @superlighter thanks a lot!
    @onkel-m thanks a lot to you too. well, this is what i thought too and so i was checking my scanner settings but there was nothing wrong. so i had a closer look and the reason why is probably that the foundation of the towers has this strange yellow colour and with the light and maybe xpro it looks so dim.

  4. kleeblatt
    kleeblatt ·

    sehr toll !! macht richtig spaß , diese anzusehen :-)

  5. bravebird
    bravebird ·

    schönes album!

  6. ohlordy
    ohlordy ·

    Stunning shot!

  7. blasson
    blasson ·

    Don't worry about your addiction! I have the same problem too :-D. Keep it up!

  8. ck_berlin
    ck_berlin ·

    Der E100VS macht sich gut für Nachtaufnahmen.

  9. bloomchen
    bloomchen ·

    @ck_berlin finde ich auch. aber der bestand liegt ja bei dir ;o)

  10. pangmark
    pangmark ·

    & I think I'm addicted to your night shots :)

  11. jackpacker
    jackpacker ·

    like it

  12. jean_louis_pujol
    jean_louis_pujol ·


  13. gauthierdumonde
    gauthierdumonde ·

    wonderful !

  14. jbeischer
    jbeischer ·


  15. mariskaviska
    mariskaviska ·

    great album

  16. itisanormalname
    itisanormalname ·

    looks unreal indeed. fantastic shot

  17. linuxbcn
    linuxbcn ·

    Awesome shot!

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