Iguazù Brazilian side.

Les chutes d’Iguazù, côté brésilien. La veille, alors que le soleil brillait, j’avais oublié de charger ma pellicule aérochrome, mal m’en a pris, le lendemain il pleuvait des cordes. Le résultat n’est pas à la hauteur de mes attentes, dommage. J’ai shooté cette pellicule de 2011 à 400 iso. Iguazù Falls, Brazilian side. The day before, while the sun was shining brightly, I forgot to load my aerochrome film, but I was unlucky as it was raining cats and dogs the next day. The result didn't live up to my expectations, which was a shame. I shot this 2011 film at 400 iso. E6 processing. #argentina #mamiya #mamiya6 #kodak #aerochrome #infared #infaredfilm #expired #iguazu #waterfall #brazil #filmisnotdead #shootonfilm #filmphotography #film #analogphotography #analoguepeople #believeinfilm #filmcommunity #onfilm #filmcamera #analog #istillshootfilm #ishootfilm #120mm #mediumformat #MF

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