7 Komen

  1. bittersuesz
    bittersuesz ·

    Beautiful portrait.

  2. raintoday
    raintoday ·

    @bittersuesz thanks! 😘

  3. raintoday
    raintoday ·

    Please click this link for the whole album: www.lomography.es/homes/raintoday/albums/2424857-sunset-blue

  4. leisuresuit
    leisuresuit ·

    Congratulations on lomohome of the day

  5. raintoday
    raintoday ·

    @leisuresuit Thank you, my old friend! 😘

  6. jinzo
    jinzo ·

    beautiful light casting on her.😊

  7. raintoday
    raintoday ·

    @jinzo Thanks a lot, my old friend!

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