this is what i liked as a kid. playing atari2600 for hours. i loved donkey kong, pac-man, centipede, jungle hunt, zaxxon, river raid, space invaders, asteorids, moon patrol, breakout,…

8 Komen

  1. weleasewoger72
    weleasewoger72 ·

    Brilliant! I used to love Centipede!

  2. bloomchen
    bloomchen ·

    @weleasewoger72: the other shot is with centipede but unfortunately it is not very good. centipede is too dark ;)
    and yes, i loved it and wrote down my records and my fingers were aching because i was pressing the button for constant fire. silly.

  3. weleasewoger72
    weleasewoger72 ·

    I was commenting on the photo description! Centipede ruled. When I was 11 I stole £50 off my step-mum and didnt know what to do with the money. So I spent all day with a friend playing Centipede in the amusement arcdades in my hometown of Torquay! We even had enough money left over to buy "Soup Of The Day" from a cafe - which made us feel so posh!

  4. bravebird
    bravebird ·

    whaaaa, das weckt erinnerungen!! lang lang ist's her :)

  5. clownshoes
    clownshoes ·


  6. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·


  7. criskellensantoro
    criskellensantoro ·


  8. ironsymphony
    ironsymphony ·


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